TCP commands

Here are the commands for the TCP client to communicate with the TCP server. The TCP client sends this sting and the IP voltmeter returns the measured value on the individual channel. A simple example for creating a TCP client is here.

IP Voltmeter v2.1 : "volt_1","volt_2","volt_3",

IP Voltmeter v2.2 : "volt_1","volt_2","volt_3","amper_1"

IP Voltmeter v2.3 : "volt_1","volt_2","temp1","rel_on", "rel_off"

IP Voltmeter v2.5 : "volt_1","volt_2","volt_3","volt_4","volt_5","volt_6","volt_7","volt_8"

IP Voltmeter v1.6 : "volt_1","volt_2", "re1_on","re1_off","re2_on","re2_off","re3_on","re3_off","re4_on","re4_off"

IP Voltmeter v1.7 : "volt_1","volt_2","volt_3","temp1","temp2","temp3"